P.C. Richard is where we get all our appliances, PCs, TVs, radios (does anyone have a radio anymore?) GPS, DVD players, all of it, except cameras, which I get online. So when the washer started smoking it seemed another visit was imminent. Paul immediately blamed my robe as the cause, saying it had caused an imbalance in the rinse cycle and that I had probably overloaded the machine. I was ready for this accusation though, and I always wash his robe with mine now as I am a recovering overloader. I showed him that his robe was also present in the mix- I was cleared of guilt-it was simply the washer finishing its final life cycle at 18 years. I put it on "rinse" one more time so it could go out in style with a flurry of creaks and high pitched whines. Regis Boy then declared "time for a new washer/dryer". I was assigned the job of buying them at our favorite appliance store, P.C. Richard. I walked in and a salesperson came over right away. I told him what I wanted and that I was ready to buy. His name was Tom Keating. I was thinking that I bought my PC from him last February, but there would be time for renewing an old acquaintance after the sale. Then came then dreaded question, "gas or electric"? We have gas heat. Must be gas. I reply without hesitation, "Gas".
Okay we find them, two different brands, has to fit in the 1948 basement doorway, and Maytag-my brand of choice, makes dryers too big for our doorway. Okay-deal done-A Maytag washer and Whirlpool dryer-diversity- change we can believe in. Now comes the question I love as a retiree: "w
hen can we deliver?" " I am retired" I say gleefully-then I wait for the shocked response. So far it has happened 100% of the time. Tom comes through "No way". "You look too young" see photo -this is how Tom must see me.
At this point I have to decide if I reveal that Feds can retire in their 50's. I am confident the compliment will hold. After all, he is a salesmen. I say, "We can retire before 62, not entirely admitting to be age 58. Tom says "You must hear it a lot, that you look too young too be retired." Yes, I do" at least for now.I
buy the two items and as I am leaving the store I remember-yes, it was Tom who sold me my computer last February- the memory of the conversation fights its way out of my crowded brain to the front of my mind. I had asked him if he knew my friend Paul Keating and he had said "No" He then countered with "Do you have a teacher relative, Mr. McNiff"? "No I don't". Turns out the teacher McNiff was a tough one- still giving poor Tom nightmares.
The delivery is set for Friday, March 6. I have a window of time 11-2. The P.C. Richard men arrive at the end of the window of time, then proceed to eat lunch in the truck, while Liam and I spy on them from the kitchen window. They have to eat-guess this is their lunch break. I always have to worry about Liam when deliveries are made. He wants to lick and play with all who come in. So my procedure is to let him out the side until he throws his body against the door often enough for the delivery men to say "let him in">
So far all the folks have been dog people. The two men come in, play with Liam, march downstairs and as soon as they disappear to the left side of the basement I hear "No go", and they emerge smiling. Liam is afraid of the basement, is waiting up top, is happy his new playmates are back so soon, woof woof
The leader slyly announces " you have ordered a gas dryer but you need an electric one". He seems very pleased with this development. I am mortified. I knew that question from Salesman Tom. " Is it gas or electric"? was make or break one. "So what happens"? I ask " Call the store-" He adds "the clue should have been the outlet with the plug"
Of course! I have seen that plug at every washing session. I also realize why they are so happy. My mistake has shortened their work day. They are done early on a Friday-their weekend has begun. I have done a * Mitzvah. One of my retirement goals is to do as many as I can each day.
*Mitzvah. - Main Entry:
- mitz·vah
- Pronunciation:
- \ˈmits-və\
- Function:
- noun
1 : a commandment of the Jewish law
*2 : a meritorious or charitable act, such as ordering the incorrect dryer, causing the P.C. Richard's men to have a shortened Friday workday and early weekend
They call P.C. Richard, the dispatcher at the store calls me, I call Paul, Salesman Tom calls me, I go back, I buy another dryer, save $ 168.00 and we are on for a revisit Sat.
It is Saturday, they are here, just in time for the my chore of laundry. I do not have to drag my clothes in the street to the pay laundry. I can stay home-here is the happy couple-
a mixed marriage of
Maytag and Whirlpool. Change we believe in. Yay
Woof, Woof
I'm oblivious to this type of stuff too. My washer and dryer has a plug....so now I'll know.
ReplyDeleteapparently washers are only electric so I had to get that one right
ReplyDeleteHi Carol,
ReplyDeleteYour experience is triggering my memories of my home remodeling experience two years ago.
Two years ago I had delusions of grandeur and decided to change my fridge, oven, dishwasher, washing machine, kitchen cabinets, dryer and underneath the cabinet microwave at the the same time. The oven and dryer were gas.
The old appliances were from 1979 and the newer ones needed new pipes, valves, gas connections, new bx cable, new exhaust.
I guess I was out of my mind. I was going to do this all by myself, but I'm grateful for the assistance of my friend Mario, who came over on some days to guide me, in the usage of acetylene torches to weld copper pipe, changing bx cable, using reciprocating saws, drills , you name it. To be honest had it not been for his assistance things would not have gone as smoothly as they did.
If I did it totally myself, I might have blown up the house, burned down the house, flooded it or electrocuted myself.
Maybe then I would have been a candidate for an extreme home makeover.
I know about the narrow basement, as my house was built in 1915. I had to remove the paneling to get the dryer and washer into the basement. Cutting a 4 1/4 inch hole through the basement wall to exhaust the dryer was pretty difficult. Cutting another 4 1/4 inch hole through the kitchen wall to exhaust the microwave that I hung below the cabinet I installed and running bx cable behind the wall to hook up to the microwave and dishwasher was pretty challenging.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of carrying a torch!
I am so pleased that someone actually had gas machines, as hubby seems to think I invented the idea
The Extreme Makeover can also be done on a person, when I stop being told I look too young to retire I will call the producers.
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