Saturday, December 30, 2017

Snow Dog No

Dogs love snow. I know. I have watched them swim in it, jump, leap, roll, sit, lay. Liam is not a snow dog. He does not engage in any of these activities. Ever. We have had 4 storms this month and are currently experiencing the 5th. All have been the perfect storms. Gentle, slow, no accumulations on the roads or sidewalks. The snow provides a coating of newness and mutes the sounds for a bit. I love snow.

Liam knows what it is and what it feels like. His preferred place is looking at it from his couch perch...

He does not like the feeling of it on his feet.

He will not fully crouch down to do his business as he knows the wet feeling will get him from underneath
Today's snow has those dancing snowflakes which swirl around before landing. This time the snow is adhering to the concrete and roads...will require a brisk brooming not shoveling. Liam rang his poochie bells indicating the need to go out...and then he saw it, snow. oh no. He stood and then returned, see how far his pawprints took him. not even down the steps

He will try again when he cannot wait any longer. Until then he returns to snuggle and cuddle in spots in the house which do not provide a snow view.

And he knows many such places


Enjoy the snow
It is accumulating 
Woof, Woof 

Saturday, December 2, 2017

A Bit Fitter

I was away on a fall trip and I was shown the joy of fitbitting by two friends with whom we were traveling. While walking virtual fireworks exploded on their wrists when they each reached 10,000 steps. I knew I wanted my own fireworks.

I ordered my Fitbit and a day after our trip ended my Fitbit arrived from Amazon. I was a member of the Fitbit network. A world of stats, info, achievement and community.
I have a Fitbit Alta because this is the one my friend has. blogger-image-1141627374.jpg
A night's sleep is recorded
Stages of Rem...light sleep, deep sleep and time awake.
This thrilled me as I have chronic sleep issues.
Messages and phone calls buzz on your arm. The Fitbit tells me to move each hour. There is a community of Fitbitters to network with.  I have discovered another world
The fitness goal is to attain 10,000 steps a day. I have no problem. My health club and home gym provide me with almost all the 10,000 steps. I go way overt it averaging 15-18000 steps daily.
Fitbit calls me names for going over.. Overachiever. What an insult.

There is another goal set up to help you move.  I want to meet that one also...  
One do at least 250 steps every hour.
The Fitbit buzzes at 10 minutes before the hour to tell you to move if you have not reached your hourly goal of  250 steps.

What I have Done to Achieve 250 Steps per Hour
Jumped out of the car as we waited in a line of cars at Town's Pollutant Drop-off
Excused myself at a group lunch to walk up and down the stairs
Walked the length of the NHP train platform several times while waiting for my train
Stepped in place in Crabtree's bathroom
Pumped my legs while drying my nails post-manicure
Did bicycle movements of my legs while a passenger in car

These were all successful
The finicky Fitbit does not pick up all exercise it promises
What I have Done to Get Credit for my Exercise on Gym Equipment

Swung one arm while on the treadmill, using the other to type on my iPad...precarious
Hooked my Fitbit on the handlebars of my home row machine
Exaggerated hand motions while walking on the both gym and home treadmills
Strapped my Fitbit to the pedal of my home row machine
Stuffed my Fitbit in my sock for all machines
These have been mostly successful...still working on the sock insertion

Once a week I get a summary and Fitbit addresses me in a happy familiar way.
I like it. I think it likes me back.

I am Addicted
NO surprise. I am an overachieving addict in many activities.

I have a new reason to look forward to each day
Every hour of every day has a goal and the day goes till 12 midnight. A chance to achieve night and day even in sleep.
My days and night have meaning. I am constantly recording.

Am I a bit fitter?
I think so.
I know Liam is. I have resumed his daily walks. I accrue 2500 steps with him. If he gallops I get more credit. He takes more naps to rest from his new Fitbit schedule and is down a pound.

Wait, I have been buzzed. Must be 10 minutes before the hour
Must get some more steps in...

Woof, Woof

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Bogus BOGO

I did not get the meaning of BOGO until a few weeks ago. I wondered why my go to Yoga company, my drugstore CVS and and The Greater Good all were selling BOGOS. I figured BOGOS were a yoga world term for products like blocks, balls, bolsters, wedges, straps, mat rolls. I supposed CVS and Greater Good might sell them as well.
Then I saw a current yoga ad where the acronym was spelled out buy one, get one. Oh, that's it.  Too bad. I had started affectionately calling my yoga blocks BOGOS.

BOGO email ads


BOGO has relatives.

1-Two items

Two items strapped together or in one case.for less than one each sold apart. I always get the twin pack Clear Care contact lens bargain- Do I need two? I want one. I don't want another one.
I just finished a bottle of Vitamin D. Vitamins are another popular category of twofers and BOGO. The bottle came with 300. I will have the second for another year. It might expire before I use them all.

2-Hundreds of one item

I wanted and needed more cotton swabs (Q tips) I was unable to find a box with a reasonable number. The current one lasted 7 years and contained 525 swabs. This one offered is bigger and contains 625 swabs..Will I be around in 2024? I hope so...there are many uses for swabs. I will attempt to use them for all the purposes suggested on the box. Perhaps I can exhaust my supply in half the time.

Lately when shopping this thought pops in my head
Will I outlive the BOGO, Twins, Hundreds of one? Who wants to burden my survivors with extra items to dispose of?

I long ago gave up Costco like stores. I had scotch tape for about 15 years. Thought buying a case was smart.
I also got suckered in for boxes of Maxie pads. They outlasted menopause. I have donated them to disaster victims. Everyone gives toilet paper and paper towels. I give maxi pads.

I recently got a FITBIT
I am obsessed with it. I feel as if I have a life coach with me at all times. And as I am writing this BOGO blog story I realize my FITBIT will help me stay in shape and maybe help me live concurrently with my extras of:
Hundreds of one item

Woof, woof

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Who's Your Daddy?


Who's your Daddy is a well known phrase. It is provocative slang, a much used comedy movie title, an aggressive slur, a line in a song and shows up in sports, media, music and everyday verbal exchanges.
The phrase itself stands out as a noteworthy lyric from the 1968 song
 "Time of the Season" by The Zombies:
"What's your name? 
Who's your daddy? 
Is he rich like me?"
for more examples
here is the link

Since Paul retired in January 2016 he and Liam have become inseparable. What I once alluded to as a Bromance is now more like two soulmates. Paul talks to Liam. Liam talks back.
Neither at the same time. One listens and leaves the scene. Liam rests for a bit then inches closer and barks directly at Paul. In your face conversational might be the vernacular for his method. Paul patiently tries to teach him to offer his paw. See below. More like grabbing the paw and shaking hands roughly
They also have a silent communication where they stare at each other. Think Vulcan Mind Meld.
 When not talking they sit on each end of the couch. Paul's spot was mine for the first eight years of my retirement. He took it over when he retired. Liam then claimed the right end. If I approach Liam jumps up, crosses to the middle cushion and alerts Paul the intruder is here. If I attempt to sit Liam descends from his perch, travels around the cocktail table and sits on the couch arm. He is loud and persistent in his displeasure.
In Liam's world we are not supposed to be adjacent. He must be in the middle. He continues his tirade until I get up. Or until I leave. See below

Though Liam's DNA test came back #fourdogsinone
Equal parts Dalmatian, beagle, dachshund, Irish Setter, he identifies with Paul and discounts the canine ancestry results
dog dna test
His Daddy is Paul.

Daddy Paul is somewhat of a scoffer at DNA results as well. He expected all German, being the first generation child of two German immigrants. No. Has 37% Brit.
A perfect pair.



Woof, Woof

Friday, October 6, 2017

Shut Your Mouth

My quarterly visit to my dentist was October 2
I had an issue and it was not teeth, tongue or gums
His advice

Control your yawns
Don't eat sandwiches
Take Advil
Minimize chewing
Cold compresses
Wear your mouthguard at night

Any guesses?

TMD or more popularly but incorrectly known as TMJ
here is the link with all the info

Your temporomandibular joint is a hinge that connects your jaw to the temporal bones of your skull, which are in front of each ear. It lets you move your jaw up and down and side to side, so you can talk, chew, and yawn.
Problems with your jaw and the muscles in your face that control it are known as temporomandibular disorders (TMD). But you may hear it wrongly called TMJ, after the joint.

Crack. Ouch. Bone grinding noise.
My left jaw is stuck.
A year ago, we were at our fave restaurant Crabtree's.
I opened my mouth to take a bite of my salad and my left jaw popped, then locked open. Oh no. I massaged it, slurped some wine and managed to slither the salad into the right corner of my mouth, After a few days, the problem subsided to bearable. I have lived with it for the past year.

A few weeks ago my left jaw began popping with annoying regularity. Sometimes getting stuck. The pain radiated around my neck, face, ears and jaw. And there was a sort of lumpiness under my jaw. Constant. A change for the worse. I considered following Liam's tongue out method for scooping up food and drink. My tongue is not as long or as mobile.

We don’t know what causes TMD. Dentists believe symptoms arise from problems with the muscles of your jaw or with the parts of the joint itself.
Injury to your jaw, the joint, or the muscles of your head and neck -- like from a heavy blow or whiplash -- can lead to TMD. Other causes include:
  • Grinding or clenching your teeth, which puts a lot of pressure on the joint     yep
  • Movement of the soft cushion or disc between the ball and socket of the joint yep
  • Arthritis in the joint  maybe
  • Stress, which can cause you to tighten facial and jaw muscles or clench the teeth yep
  I have all four.

Okay what do I do?
In addition to the advice and admonitions my dentist offered at the outset of the story
I was told my solutions were not helping
My Solutions
I was exercising my jaw all day by popping it and unsticking it. Was painful but I thought I was working it. This aligns with my belief that movement is better than non-movement in physical ailments. .
Don't Do it 
There is a risk of grinding the jaw down to bone on bone.

I was not taking Advil. I figure I must embrace this new pain to raise my pain threshold because the future holds more pain. Also combating physical affliction distracts me from my active mind with its non-stop ideas, anxiety and fears and rotating addictions.
Take it
reduces inflammation. and swelling causing the pain

See a chiropractor A friend had seen her chiropractor and he reached in and cracked her jaw, using an open fist. Was unexpected. She was shocked. It worked

Don't Do It

What else will help?


Liam and Paul illustrate in the first photo following
A favorite of Paul's
Keep my mouth shut



Saturday, September 23, 2017


I have a meltdown about once a year. What is a meltdown? The word meltdown has several meanings and applications.
Here are three meanings to the word
I am talking a personal meltdown. 
The rapid loss of emotional control. Liam helps illustrate.

Normally I am polite and patient and thankful. I know it because the way I present myself to the outside world is deliberately consistent. My sister has said "You are the always the same." I am not sure if this is good or bad. Medicating with a daily Cymbalta pill for anxiety and depression keeps me sort of sane and formidably even-tempered. I go with the flow. my meltdown state
Who is this raving lunatic I keep within me? When and why does she come out? What initiates my losing it? I learned with my latest episode what I am melting down over is not at all what is really bothering me. It is misdirected loss of control in order to avoid acknowledgement of the real issue. An Ahha moment (thanks Oprah) And is this big? Yes. Because this insight may help to offset having future meltdowns. And I would like to, as mine have been public and embarrassing. I fill with shame. Want to put my head down and beg for forgiveness and hide.
I want to do a rewind. I apologize. Write notes. And apologize again. These episodes are as puzzling to me as to my audience.
Occurrences in my ENT office, Best in Show Pet Resort, CVS, library. I have considered moving.
I'll give you two examples.

1-Best In Show Pet Resort  
 September 2016
I am picking up Liam after a destination wedding vacation. He comes shooting out of the back and I ask for his collar and leash. Staff person "We don't keep those items for boarding. You have it" 
What! I don't have it!!!! and here I go from normal to crazed. All his identifying jewelry is on his collar. His rabies tag. License.
I think the collar loss is worse than losing a wallet. They search. Soon the front desk and back of the house staff are all involved. Paul brings a collarless Liam to the car. Returns immediately. The collar and leash are on the back seat. I am nuts with embarrassment. Apologies. Profuse and repeatedly until Paul drags me out. I go home and write a note to the staff. I consider moving.  
What Happened
Since July 13 2016 I had not been well. Recovering from a diverticulitis attack and going about life as usual. It was not life as usual. I was always the same to the world. I even went to Yoga Class doubled over in pain and passed it off as a yoga pose.
I was scheduled for surgery the next week. Been holding it together for 3 months and the meltdown was about my health. Not about the collar.

August 2017
At home, on a Sunday night, I check my library online account for holds. I want to see the status of  Al Franken's book on which I have a hold. I see I am in arrears for $.10. What? I always return books on time. Never would I owe. I am not that type of person. Yes, you read dime. This throws me into a rant and an angry tirade pops out. Paul tells me forget it for now and suggests next time I am at the library to work it out. No. I insist we go the next morning. And we do. Paul waits in the car. I approach the desk calmly.
I say "There is a problem, I have a late fee, this is not correct. I returned the book on time."
The staffer says, "No, it was returned a day late. Me "No it was not, and I add "I returned it to you." Ooh. Mean girl. You get the gist. I also added in "I would never have a late book." (unsaid, I am perfect) The exchange was tense. I am cringing as I write this. She removes the fee from my account as I will not leave until the terrible debt is expunged from my spotless record.. I leave. I return to the car and tell Paul they were insistent I was wrong. I ask him if he remembers. He doesn't. Then I remember. I was a day late. I go back in. They are huddled...talking about me. I apologize. I offer the dime. I try to get them to take it. I place it on the desk. They push it back. I know they think I have lost it. Yes, I have. I owe Hillside Library a dime.
What Happened 
It was not the book. It was not the dime. I had been dealing with a acquaintance/friendship issue. I had not stood up for myself. I was accepting undeserved abuse. Internally I had been steaming for weeks. I had a meltdown with innocents.
Oh, and if you are reading this, it is not you. The person is not a LiamLicks reader. And it was resolved when I stopped being the victim.

PC issues were affecting my blogging. My mobile blogging had been severely curtailed since the mobile app had been obsoleted due to IOS Apple updates and the enmity between Google and Apple preventing any sort of coalescence. I had to write on two devices and trick the app. I was on a reduced scheldue. See the link for the prior blog story
Now upon return from a weekend destination wedding the PC monitor display would not come on. My blogging life was dead. We tried all the online fixes. No success. I bought a new monitor. Same. I bought a new PC. I knew the scope of the problem was beyond our ability to fix. I was calm. But I knew from prior meltdowns the loss of PC function was big for me. It was not okay. I was cut off from my blogger world. Pushing away the panic would result in another meltdown.
I began researching solutions, engaging Paul in my distress. Going to Home Advisor
reading reviews and hiring a pro.
What Happened
I had learned from my August meltdown to assess, think, and go to what really was causing me emotional distress. Don't push it down. The computer/monitor issue and the blogging app problem were tangibles. Fixable. The emotional part was fear of being forgotten. Losing my audience. Disappointing my LiamLicks loyalists who have stuck by me for my 10 years of blogging.
We hired a pro who is 
Kevin Kim
Highly recommend. Kevin is regular and normal and a genius. And he laughed at my jokes.
A meltdown prevented. 
I thought it out.
Refused to go nuts. And met a computer wizard who fixed our issues, enlarged my understanding of PC problems, explained new advances in the Internet world, shared his well considered opinions.
Read my blog and liked Liam!
Thank You, Kevin
Some of you may have thought. This woman has other issues. 
I do
I am ALWAYS right
except when I am not
I am ALWAYS in control
except when I have a meltdown
I am ALWAYS perfect
I have problems after destination weddings. 
 Woof, Woof