Stress is a word mentioned by many this fall. We started with Sandy storm stress which carried us through November. If you did not discard it or deal with the storm stress it might have collided and united with the holiday season stress. Advice on how to handle this year's double stress is offered by professionals, friends, family and coworkers. My niece, Liz Nikol, wrote an article about Holiday stress in her column "Tackle Your Thinking." I like her ideas and solutions. Good validation for me of my own organized approach to the stress of the holidays. Yay for me- I should write an article too. Link follows. Easy and helpful read.
As I just indicated, I thought I was doing well this year. I had made adjustments in my schedule, and continue to stick to my routine-exercise, helping Liam with his blog, no slacking off here, reading required books for clubs, shopping online-no mall mauling, making and keeping doctor appointments, Yoga classes, annual car checkup and more.
I do not feel distracted and worried about upcoming social events. How then do I explain my behavior this past Monday morning?
Monday morning timeline
7:45 AM appt. with pulmonologist (for restless leg syndrome, sleep issues)
My doctor hands me this pipe thing in which you breathe- inhale, then exhale, then inhale. Supposed to show lung capacity. You want high numbers on this. Before I do this my doctor asks my age. I say 95. He laughs,"You are so funny" I try again and say "100?" Stop, he says, "You are too much." I realize that is not the number expected and find out he wants to know my age. I tell him (is this a memory test?) I do score a great inhaler number- 96 on the first try, then 100 for the second. Woo hoo, I am a good breather! I leave the doctor smiling-he thinks I am such a kidder. I like being funny. But I am not trying to be funny.
8:00 AM Starbucks- on the way back from doctor.
I am thrilled that today is the day that the combo gift packs of cookies/ syrup go on sale. I have seen the ad on my iPad. However, they are not on sale. I insist (very nicely) after all, this is my everyday SB. I have built up a backlog of good will so that the very accommodating manager sits down with me and we scan our smartphones for the ad. No, not there. The ad for the yummy combos is there but the sale is for a smaller item shown nearby. Whoops. I have sort of created a disturbance. Out with my latte and onward. I bought the item anyway the next day.
10:00 AM Podiatrist (plantar fasciitis from wearing heels for too many years)
Door locked. Standing outside the locked door, I call-hear myself inside being recorded. If they are late I will at least get credit. I arrive home. Answering machine and appointment card say 11:30. I return at 11:30 and receptionist says they got my call. She also thinks I am funny for leaving the message. Again, I am not trying to be funny.
Stress causing these occurrences? Where is my mind? Elsewhere. I think I better reread Liz's article. And probably should not write my own. Or is it my hearing? Or my vision? What about Liam? Is he experiencing holiday stress? Articles are coming through this week about pet stress. See link for a summary.
If we are acting different, naturally our pets will pick up on it. The room changes. A tree is up. The tumble down the stairs into the living room is stopped. No easy access. Cards are hung on the railing by the staircase. Packages and cards arrive. New folks deliver to the door. Packages of doggie gifts arrive with yummy treats.
Liam did gain another area of the living room now owning the love seat with his pillows and blanket.
Liam's Stress Relievers
Yawning relieves stress.
Putting his head on his photo head pillow.
hanging head
Ignoring the parents and snoozing
For me-I could go on with my mishaps.
I put all my gym stuff in my locker and carried the lock with me to the row machine, leaving all my valuables unlocked.
After my Monday foray in Starbucks, when I did finally buy the item at full price, I left it on the counter
Maybe I am trying to be funny.
I don't think it is stress.
Woof, Woof