Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tidings of Comfort Dogs and Joy

Comfort dogs are visiting Newtown Ct.  They were outside when President Obama spoke on Sunday and have been located at various places around town all week. The dogs wear signs that say "Please Pet Me" and they have been obliged in that request by many in Newtown.  The following is a video-worth a look
The dogs have FB pages and business cards.  Check out the link for their page and pix from their week at Newtown.

These dogs are trained to provide comfort.  No words need be spoken. No effort to think of what to say or how to act. What a relief that must be to this town in grief.

Liam would not meet the standards of a comfort dog. I talked to him about it as we have watched the sad events of The Sandys- storm and shootings. Liam is a licker and leaper and knocks kids down with his exuberance.
He does what he does.

Liam received a toy, Snowy, from Aunt Suzy   And seems to have appropriated my gift, a doll, Charlotte
He surprised us by accepting them into the pack and protecting both. 

Comfort dogs Luther, Ruthie, Chewie, Maggie and Hannah have returned to Chicago area after making many new friends. Comfort dogs Prince, Barnabas and Chloe remain in Newtown.

Many tributes for the Newtown children have been done. From the heart, original and inspiring.  Anderson Cooper interviewed the family of Grace McDonnell early this week and mentioned to them that the song "Amazing Grace" makes him cry but that now he will always think of their Grace when he hears it. His AC360 show ended its Monday and Tuesday night broadcasts with the song while introducing each child. The pace and arrangement gives you a few seconds to meet and say goodbye to each one. Video below.

Today our yoga teacher ended our class with this wish as she always does

"May there be peace in your hearts and in the world this day. Namaste."
If you say it aloud, its rhyming is very soothing. 
Say it again, even better. 
"May there be peace in your hearts and in the world this day. Namaste."
Like a litany

Woof, Woof
See you in two weeks

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Holiday Stress- Parent and Pooch

Stress is a word mentioned by many this fall.  We started with Sandy storm stress which carried us through November. If you did not discard it or deal with the storm stress it might have collided and  united with the holiday season stress. Advice on how to handle this year's double stress is offered by professionals, friends, family and coworkers. My niece, Liz Nikol, wrote an article about Holiday stress in her column "Tackle Your Thinking."  I like her ideas and solutions. Good validation for me of my own organized approach to the stress of the holidays. Yay for me- I should write an article too. Link follows. Easy and helpful read.
As I just indicated, I thought I was doing well this year. I had made adjustments in my schedule, and continue to stick to my routine-exercise, helping Liam with his blog, no slacking off here, reading required books for clubs, shopping online-no mall mauling, making and keeping doctor appointments, Yoga classes, annual car checkup and more.
I do not feel distracted and worried about upcoming social events. How then do I explain my behavior this past Monday morning?

Monday morning timeline
7:45 AM appt. with pulmonologist (for restless leg syndrome, sleep issues)
My doctor hands me this pipe thing in which you breathe- inhale, then exhale, then inhale. Supposed to show lung capacity. You want high numbers on this. Before I do this my doctor asks my age. I say 95. He laughs,"You are so funny" I try again and say "100?" Stop, he says, "You are too much."  I realize that is not the number expected and find out he wants to know my age. I tell him (is this a memory test?)  I do score a great inhaler number- 96 on the first try, then 100 for the second. Woo hoo, I am a good breather!  I leave the doctor smiling-he thinks I am such a kidder. I like being funny. But I am not trying to be funny.

8:00 AM Starbucks- on the way back from doctor.
I am thrilled that today is the day that the combo gift packs of cookies/ syrup go on sale. I have seen the ad on my iPad.  However, they are not on sale. I insist (very nicely) after all, this is my everyday SB. I have built up a backlog of good will so that the very accommodating manager sits down with me and we scan our smartphones for the ad.  No, not there. The ad for the yummy combos is there but the sale is for a smaller item shown nearby. Whoops. I have sort of created a disturbance. Out with my latte and onward. I bought the item anyway the next day.

10:00 AM Podiatrist (plantar fasciitis from wearing heels for too many years)
Door locked. Standing outside the locked door, I call-hear myself inside being recorded. If they are late I will at least get credit. I arrive home. Answering machine and appointment card say 11:30.  I return at 11:30 and receptionist says they got my call. She also thinks I am funny for leaving the message. Again, I am not trying to be funny.

Stress causing these occurrences? Where is my mind?  Elsewhere. I think I better reread Liz's article. And probably should not write my own.  Or is it my hearing? Or my vision? What about Liam?  Is he experiencing holiday stress? Articles are coming through this week about pet stress.  See link for a summary.

If we are acting different, naturally our pets will pick up on it. The room changes. A tree is up.  The tumble down the stairs into the living room is stopped.  No easy access.  Cards are hung on the railing by the staircase.  Packages and cards arrive. New folks deliver to the door. Packages of doggie gifts arrive with yummy treats.

Liam did gain another area of the living room now owning the love seat with his pillows and blanket.

Liam's Stress Relievers
Yawning relieves stress.

Putting his head on his photo head pillow.
hanging head

Ignoring the parents and snoozing

For me-I could go on with my mishaps. 
I put all my gym stuff in my locker and carried the lock with me to the row machine, leaving all my valuables unlocked. 
After my Monday foray in Starbucks, when I did finally buy the item at full price, I left it on the counter
Maybe I am trying to be funny. 
I don't think it is stress. 

Woof, Woof

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Another tree lost

This time it is not a storm that causes a tree to be put out on the curb in pieces. This discarded tree is inanimate and only comes to life at Christmas when it is hauled from the basement. We expect it to be dead. After the storms, so many real trees down, broken. The tree branches and trunks are chopped into logs and sticks occupying curb space.  I am not surprised when one section of our artificial tree does not light up. An empathetic "lights out" salute from our inanimate Christmas tree. This means I have to find a new one. I am an "online" shopper, not an "on line" shopper. I rarely go shopping in a real store.  I know though that this time I must venture out.
It is Tuesday, December 4, 2012. I want the tree up today. We have a shopping center nearby that has a variety of stores; several sure to have Christmas trees. I select three- Bed Bath and Beyond, jc penney's and Sears.  BBB is my favorite. I love the culture of the big carts (get your own stuff, put it in, no seeking help)) and the coupons which are good until the world ends- or the end of December 2012.  I keep a coupon-filled envelope in the trunk of my car and enjoy giving the coupons out to others on line. Oh what a power thrill!  I am on my way east on Union Turnpike. I always try to do all things in order- not go south, then north, then south. This is why I ended up at Sears first. This store is on the very end of the shopping center.  If I go to Sears I will not be embroiled in the possible grid lock of the Holiday shoppers in the rest of the parking lot. I drive in and park. As I enter I immediately feel that this is a mistake. Very few workers, many customers. Both groups looking unhappy. To the right I notice a sign that says "merchandise pickup." I will not be on my own in this. I will first have to find a salesclerk, who will then get the item number, then I will pay at the checkout, then go to merchandise pick up" tip someone to carry it ( no carts here). I now understand why everyone looks so desolate here. I get the attention of a cashier "Where is the Christmas display?" I ask obsequiously. "Downstairs in the basement, not here" comes the reply in a tone of weary annoyance. I guess her register location requires her to answer many "Where is it?" questions all day long.  The down escalators are as far away as can be from the entrance. Every department I walk through has small frowning women focused on tagging items on racks. No eye contact-they look beaten down. I arrive at the escalator and emerge downstairs. A tableau of vacuum cleaners, snow blowers and an area of fully assembled lit Christmas trees.  Oh no. I want one in a box, one I can carry out. The floor is eerily quiet. No one in sight. Who in the world would ever want to shop in this joyless barren holiday section! I feel a creepiness and keep checking around me. It feels like it is after hours and I am stuck alone in the store. I fear the nutcracker wooden soldiers will start whirring to life.  I walk the length of the basement and find a burly Sears employee- good I think, he probably can lift a box. He tells me he cannot help- and points to where my help is.  I see a group of irate looking customers and a few harried salesclerks.  Really?  That is my help? He thinks one of these clerks is going to leave the register and get me a tree which then I will have to pick up and then pay someone to take to the car???  Did I mention the trees were all over 200 dollars!  I bet not a one has ever been sold. They only put them up to light up the snow blower display!

I am out of there. I do not have a tree. I fight the urge to exit and go to Starbucks for a comfort latte.  I drive to BBB. There are spots. I retrieve my coupon envelope from the trunk.  Ah, I feel like I am coming home. The store has a happy buzz. I enter, get on the escalator, a man starts joking with me. There are shopping carts which equal self service, independence. I see boxes of trees with handles, put one in my cart, get on line. The man in front of me praises my choice. People are friendly, making connections, the staff members have badges, they catch your eye and ask to help.  I can even play Santa and offer coupons to others. I tell the cashier a little bit of my Sears visit.. He smiles wisely not saying anything about a fellow store but sending me out with a "Have a Wonderful Christmas Ms. McNiff. Obviously sizing me up as a needy tree person wanting recognition. Back to the car- I place the tree in the trunk-coupon envelope with it. I am done-12 minutes.

And yes, I did get my latte. Liam watches with his "blue night adjusted eyes" while I decorate.  Sandy lanterns lighting the area.  Next day we continue in the light.Liam knows it is a different tree. He smells it. Liam accepts. After a few latte licks, there is peace on our little piece of earth.

Woof, Woof

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Mama's Boy

The designation "Mama's Boy" has a slightly pejorative connotation at times, alluding to a male specifically close to his mother. The belief that being close to one's mother prevents other relationships from flourishing, resulting in a lack of independence and no desire to leave home as an adult.  My favorite wiki source has some more on this

I have a Mama's boy in my home. Liam Joseph McNiff-Nikol, our five year old rescue. His mama's boy personality is sharpening as he gets older and he has no qualms about showing it.  His dependence on me has been on my mind this week because Liam's annual physical is tomorrow, Friday, November 30, 2012. The place of his physical is Garden City Vet. check it out
This is the venue at which he exhibits his mama's boy traits most blatantly. I have been reminded of this appointment in every form of communication-text, email and phone so I have built up a dread of it on his behalf.

Liam's reminders:

PETPORTALS: Carol, Liam has an appointment on 11/30/12 at 9:00 AM. Please call; 516-742-0606 with any questions. VHELP 4 info
sent via Blackberry by AT&T

You have an upcoming appointment for Liam, We're looking forward to your visit-regular check-ups are a very important part of ensuring a happy healthy life for your pet. It goes on for a page or two delineating all the products that will be needed to prevent internal and external parasite attacks to Liam's body.

Liam-11/30/12 09:00 AM

Hi, this is Lindsay calling to remind you of Liam's appointment tomorrow at 9AM. Please call back if you cannot make it, have a good day, looking forward to seeing you then

Good that Liam is not able to read or hear these reminders. The annual physical as well as any other visit to the vet causes Liam great anxietyLast year he even cried.  Each vet visit is worse than the one before.  It starts when I pull the car into the parking lot. Liam knows that the left side is the Vet, the right the Resort.  If we head left he tenses his body and settles down in his Doxie squat.  I have to pull him to the door. Once inside he jumps on anyone willing to say "hi" giving generous licks as if his fancy tongue work will secure his release. He then attempts to climb into my lap.  Other doggie patients will be on the floor in "sit" position, not us-Mama's boy is on full display. When we are summoned to the exam room, the whimpering starts, the sight of the scale causes thrashing. I react the same way when asked to step on the scale at my doctor but have learned to hide my terror. I ask that my weight not be announced.  Liam has no such luxury. His number is announced and then compared to the prior recordation- allowable range 32-35. Liam is low to the ground and very muscular.  A little big dog often mistaken for a mini lab. Easy to gain a pound with his love of Kong treats (given by Daddy Paul)


Last night my neighbor invited Liam and me over for a visit, just a hello.  His girlfriend Tango was super excited. Liam spent most of the hour visit under the table and begging for kisses and relief from this doggie/human play date. When my friend asked for both dogs to follow her from the kitchen, Liam would not leave unless I followed. 

In case you are thinking that I might be projecting my feelings on Liam, I say no. I like going to doctors. I like that they are interested in me. I am happy someone cares enough to make annotations about me. I know I am paying for this but so what. A book of me!
Guess I will have to talk to Liam about this. As a fellow Leo he might understand that attention is always welcome.
Think of us at 9AM.

Whah, whah, oops Woof Woof

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sandy Sorrow

Images. The juxtaposition of the Thanksgiving food feast with Sandy devastation photos and recovery stories. Curbs lined with ruined treasures while the Macy's balloons come to life. The storm stories are still coming in. and will continue. Yet the holiday season arrives and we are urged to buy and shop. Stores are trying for unprecedented 8 PM openings on Thanksgiving. Not easy to flip the switch to Turkey Day this year- it seems thrust upon us too soon. We didn't have the traditional markers that give pace to autumn and move us gently into the holiday season. Halloween really did not happen. The fall foliage only had a brief show before Hurricane Sandy ripped off the leaves and winter storm Athena buried them under heavy snow. When the landscape emerged it was broken, empty, and brown. The colors of fall did not fly for long. Winter arrives early and the days are often grey and cloudy. I cannot seem to accept the arrival of the new season. How will we decorate, shop and go forward? Stalled, stuck in placeI think there is a sort of confusion about what is appropriate when many are suffering -my friend Lynne describes it as a "universal sorrow" for all the loss around us. On Sunday, Liam's doggie cousin, Winnie, disappeared from my sister's house. Winnie is a 15 year old 4 pound Maltese, blind and deaf.  Possibly wandered out in the post Sandy confusion. With routines upended and people stressed, pets also do the unexpected. This morning, three days after Winnie went missing, my sister located her at The Shelter Connection in Port Washington.
She was there with about 9 or 10 pit bulls and was on the verge of being adopted. Tonight Winnie is back home, thanks to the observant folks who called 311 and had her picked up. A huge joy from such a tiny dog.
And there are other joys. Liam shows the way. Today, free latte at Starbucks, my reward for going so often. Liam gets last licks. Simple pleasures. This card from a
dear friend displays an array of leaves; fall foliage is here, in my house, thank you Virgo pal!

Liam joins in 

A card from my niece Liz with a message. Has to be little things this year- feeling mindful of the enormity of what is changed and gone.
And our own little thing, Winnie, home for the Holiday!

Woof, Woof

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Leaping to Conclusions

These last two and a half weeks following Sandy have resulted in seeing and experiencing unfamiliar happenings. Routines disrupted.  Schedules changed.  Activities canceled. Damage to homes, breakage of trees, fallen wires, orange cones and yellow tape. People came out to see, observe, report, share stories. Some folks welcomed the forced mingling, some tolerated it, and others recoiled. Openly and silently, some accused, some judged.  Assumptions were made, followed by conclusions. These conclusions were then told as stories and taken as fact.

Last night I am watching the news and Secretary of Defense Leon speaking. He is urging us not to leap to conclusions and to be careful with words.  He is referring to the expanding General Petraeus situation but I feel he is speaking to me about my storm behavior. I have made assumptions and leaped to conclusions during these last few weeks. I was wrong a few times and I'll share with you.

My health club was closed after Sandy for the entire first week. I assumed no power. On Monday, November 5, a few regulars returned. I was among them. Bathrooms closed, rugs being installed. The machines were in different spots. I thought... oh no!  They are renovating, What about folks who need to be warm and take showers and exercise? Why? We are family!!! Conclusion- they are using the storm as an opportunity to fix stuff. They should be a shelter! Two days later they lost power again. The owner opened to allow members to exercise- the owner talked to me- I was only woman who came in- he told me the story of how they had flooded after Sandy, so was much ruined-that he had to change all the carpets, move each machine himself. How he had wanted to have the members come in, be warm and shower. He had opened this day just so people could come in and resume their routines. I wrote a different story by assumption. I was wrong

That did not stop me though, I was on a roll. I mentioned to another member (without power) that I saw someone power washing his driveway.  I expressed my intense disgust that this would be done in full view of others who do not have power. She thought a minute and said "people have anxiety, they do certain activities to comfort themselves:" I reflected on this and realized that I had assumed he was thoughtless and insensitive. Perhaps he was trying to calm his own fears and make his world controllable and routine again. Another point of view.

I continued my observations, always correct, I assumed. We live across the street from one of the North Hempstead POD (points of distribution) free water was available there. People went and received water. I was annoyed. Why do they need? This is for folks whose homes are flooded, displaced people, not people with power and supplies, they must have plenty.  I then saw these bottles of water were given to LIPA workers, to tree workers, and to town trucks on our block. I assumed greed, concluded hoarding -wrong.

We have a new normal. 
The landscape is changed
The world is askew
Time for a new point of view

We may live with storm anxiety for a long time, and peoples' actions may not be what they were before, they may be different just as all this is different.  Looking at it from another perspective is a must; Liam found a new sunny place, forward.

Woof, Woof

Thursday, November 8, 2012



Marathons. All kinds. The NYC Marathon becomes a target. It is canceled. The Presidential race has been a marathon; it seems we have been listening to speeches forever. And the marathon cleanup in the wakes of Sandy and now Athena. The word has several meanings. 26.2 miles.  A long journey, often arduous, sometimes seemingly never ending, a battle in 490 BC

NYC Marathon done. Never started.

Marathon Election done. 

Northeast Marathon cleanup nowhere near done.

Marathon of feelings- loss. despair, anxiety, abandonment, concern, helplessness, guilt, fear, regret, sadness, anger, disbelief, hope, insight, gratitude and acceptance as well as disappointment

It continues
Changed landscapes
There is sunlight where there was darkness -a tree once blocked the light.

People without homes. No power since Sandy. Then we have a nor'easter. And she is the first storm this year with a name. Athena.
TWC thought this up. The National Weather Service does not back it.  Link below has an explanation. Many names are from Greek and Roman mythology. Next one is Brutus and he is out there.

New friends. New shelters. Help coming. Not to all. People giving money, time, items.  Folks trying to do what they do best.  Telethon for Sandy video-these people did what they do best.  Have a listen

What is next?
Woof, Woof

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Watching, Waiting and Whacked

Much buildup.  Many news conferences. Prepping. Waiting. Anxiety. Eating. Anxiety. Drinking-then it happened.  The wind came with a little rain.  Liam watched for Sandy.
Liam's maple in previous photo fell on Monday, October 29th, hours before Sandy made landfall. 
The wind, the maple's tenuous hold on the soggy sandy soil and above ground roots combined to pull it up and down. The sidewalk went with it.  I never heard it. Our neighbors did and gave us the play by play. A slow crackling and a gentle fall with a grace befitting its old age. No power loss, no one hurt. Power lines remain intact within its branches. All power went hours later around 5:45 PM. Hundreds of towers flashed one another with lightning like signals and most of Long Island lost power within the next few hours. It was all power, even cell, no 2G. 3G, 4G. WiFi, heat, light. Cut off.
The wind was so loud I took my hearing aids out.
Liam listened. Heard too much.
Took his position between the pillow and back of the couch
In the dark, waiting for the morning light

Words and phrases exchanged this week

Be safe
No power
R u ok?  
Stay safe
No cell
I have wine
Tree down
R u ok?

We r fine
 Be safe, Stay safe

Woof, Woof