I am on my way to attend the new show "The Chew." The one that replaced the very popular soap
All My Children. If you do not know about it -here is a link for you The hope is that it will be
The View with food-
I am taking the 9:31AM LIRR train, first off peak. I expect to arrive at Penn about 10:08 where I will hook up with 2 friends. The third will find us on the line-I know she will surprise me with a Starbucks. The email from the show says that we will be let in at 11:15 and that the taping begins at 12:15. Our ticket securer has dubbed us "The Chewies"
I leave Liam with his favorite Kong stuffed with chews and am on my way.
I have some known issues to deal with on the trip, as well as instructions from
The Chew staff.
There are lots of them, but being a retired Fed I thrive on procedure.
No white, but bright. I go with purple. I have a flowery multi color scarf. I have noticed many audience members wear scarves.
I will need 19 to get me to 7PM the last time the meter wants them. I always fill to max in case my return train is delayed. Recently the meters have been changed to give you only a half hour for a quarter. I park at my favorite spot and pop them in. The walk to the train station is about 6 minutes, add in crossing Jericho and you have 10 minutes. I get there at 9:23.
There is an announcement that the 9:31 will be 22 minutes late. If this is the truth, I can still get to Penn by 10:30AM, our set Penn departure time. I text and email my news to
The Chewies. Then I take out my book. I have lots to read for just such an occurrence.
As I wait, my right eye begins leaking. I use this verb because it is a slow drip from the side. Not watery eyes, not itchy eyes. I know this is from my contacts, it is not temporary and it will not go away as long as they are in. My eye makeup is streaking down my cheek. I will have one bald eye. The train pulls in; we are all caught by surprise, as there is no announcement, no whistle. And it is 22 minutes late.
Train Trip
I reapply my eye makeup. Yes, I brought some. Is this rude to do in public? Probably. Uptown
Chewie newbie friend texts with Starbucks question, I supply the answer "grande non-fat latte," now I will have my drink ready on West 67th. The train pulls into Penn at 10:28. Two
Chewies are there. I run to the bathroom, reapply eye-makeup to my now two bald eyes and off we go.
I take out my blackberry, text uptown newbie friend that we are about to board the train-#1 uptown to 66th street.
ABC studio-
The Chewies
We all meet up. Take photos and drink lattes. Don't get my entire latte in, must discard, Then I am stopped for having 2 bags. The searcher says, "You have two, you must put one inside the other" "I can do that," I say. "Nah. just kidding," he answers. Apparently the instructions say "No excess baggage" How did I miss that? I know. My second bag is not excess in my mind, but very necessary.
Holding pen
Before entering the waiting area I use the bathroom to reapply my eye makeup. Again. We are let in by group numbers and are in the rear, the very last row. I am thinking of wearing my sunglasses to hide my eye problem but I fear the warm up comedian will pick me out to play with.
Cell Phone
After the warm up guy is satisfied we are properly seated, he instructs us to shut off our cell phones. Mine will not shut off. It is stuck in the in between stage-not off /not on. What if it comes alive during the show? My ring is Bruce Springsteen's
Come on up to the Rising. We decide that we will just look to the right and pretend it is The Chew music.
The Show is a Cowboy theme.
I like hats and boots but not country music. I hope no one sings.
At each break, I count 6 or 7 of them, I wipe my leaking eyes, check my phone, reapply my lip balm. I do the same procedure after each segment.
We are clapping a lot and the extra rings I wore are hurting. I realize that I can just pretend to clap and thereby not hurt myself. We also must cheer and make howling sounds. I realize that no one will know if I shout, as long as I keep my mouth open in a shouting position. I become a silent screamer and soft clapper.
Photos. Not allowed during but before and after.
Food and guests
There are ribs, grits, eggs, ham. beets, turkey, Robin Roberts.
And very quickly we are done. With the filming done and the equipment off, my phone reboots on its own. My eyes are still a mess. I did not cook with Mario. I did not bring my orange crocs-damn. We did not get any food or gifts. Sometimes you do.
We are told we are the best audience ever. I have no doubt we are. Everyone is upbeat, smiling-the cast's exuberant camaraderie and the wafting food smells envelop us and we walk out happy. I appreciate how hard they try and how genuine they are with each other. Though The Chew replaced my favorite Soap, I find myself wishing they succeed.
here is the link to our show, which aired Nov 8th. No need to keep blogging about the show when you can see it and look at what you want.
Woof, Woof
We are going on break for the next two weeks. Please share your Licks with Thanksgiving guests and we'll be back Thursday, December 1, 2011. Happy Thanksgiving and remember to honor our Vets 11/11/11.