Tuesday, July 30, 2024

At Seventeen

 Liam attains 17 on August 1, 2024. I began writing this blog story on July 1, 2024. I superstitiously felt that if I state in writing that Liam is 17, he will be.

and all that is playing in my head is Janis Ian's iconic song, At Seventeen. I found it haunting when it came out and still do.  The lyrics have nothing to do with Liam turning 17.  The only commonality is the number.  However it gives me a chance to share the beginning.  There are more verses. It does not get any more upbeat.


By Janis Ian

I learned the truth at seventeen
That love was meant for beauty queens
And high school girls with clear skinned smiles
Who married young and then retired
The valentines I never knew
The Friday night charades of youth
Were spent on one more beautiful
At seventeen I learned the truth...

more on the song



BTW Janis grew up. All is fine. Why did I think she is still seventeen?  No.  More in my age group. 


By Liam 

Hi all, this is Liam. I am almost seventeen  I was born on August 1, 2007.   I am a rescue from Tennessee. I was adopted from Animal League on January 1, 2008 by Carol McNiff and Paul Nikol. I was 5 months old.

DNA testing showed me to be one quarter equal parts Beagle, Dalmatian, Irish Setter and Dachshund. 

I have written a blog entitled LiamLicks with My Mom for most of my life. 

There are now 384 LiamLicks blog stories.

Current situation

see collage illustration


I am in Home Hospice

I mostly poop, pee in the house. sometimes I ring my poochie bells on the side porch door and make it to the top of the porch. Then I stay and enjoy the sights and fresh air. I bark when I want to come back in.


I am housebound. No more walks, 

 I keep busy by reading.

 I do light reading lately .

Reading about myself is fun. 

My godmother Aunt Joanie sent me this book for my recovery.. 

My parents take care of my physical wellness. I am okay.  Not in pain. I love to eat. Mom cuts up their food with scissors. I eat from her hands. I have turkey meatballs, hamburger, chicken, pork chops, filet Mignon and cheese and occasionally lamb chops or pork shank from Crabtree's..

some pork from Crabtree's

I vary it with my own kibble in my bowl and occasionally cat food on the side porch. I share a Greek yogurt with Mom in the morning and on the weekends I share a croissant with Daddy Paul. I drink a huge amount of water. A symptom of my disease. I take meds which help tremendously. Scroll up to see prior stories if you need a refresher.

I have hypothyroidism. VERY rare in dogs. And a small cancerous nodule on my thyroid.

 It runs in the family. Daddy Paul has had half his thyroid removed 

Mommy Carol has a growth on hers that will be dealt with soon by a thyroid biopsy.

I  relax in front of the fan during the day and sleep next to Daddy at night. He sleeps here in the living room because of me.

I have lipomas all over. they are common in certain breeds. I have two of the breeds...Dachshund, and beagle

 lipoma is a benign (noncancerous) tumor of fat in middle-aged or older dogs. Lipomas can grow anywhere on the dog's body, even inside their abdomen. But the most common growth is under their skin near the fat.

This condition is likely to happen more in overweight dogs as they age. Some lipomas are usually unnoticeable, while others can cause discomfort when your pet walks.

I have about 30,  A spaulding size one on my paw. Mom has been hoping one pops. They rarely pop but can get caught on things. She is an avid Dr Pimple Popper fan. In June she got her wish. I have two on my face and one got snagged on the side door as I banged to get out to do my business. Blood all over. Like a human, a lot of vessels on the face are near the surface.

Looked .Like a crime scene,  My parents have been cleaning it up ever since. So many cleaning products are used-Carpet and Upholstery Stain Remover, Windex, Clorox cleaner, Murphy's wood cleaner...looks like the lipoma explosion is leveling off. One more on the face to go. Mom follows me around with cotton balls, q tips and hydrogen peroxide. And after cleans with a assortment of liquid cleansers. I am fortunate to have a mama who loves growths and cleaning up after eruptions.


It continued into July. As I rub it on all surfaces. Blood all over. Rug is the worst hit.
I am healing but it is one step up and two steps back

Mommy Carol's version
Liam has lipomas
There are two on his face
They grew into huge red growths because there was nowhere else to go
Only blood in them

One night in late June

Must have been during the night at a time we were sleeping 💤 
Since I rarely sleep 
He must have timed it
There was blood 🩸 everywhere 
The rug, the cabinets, the walls, the doors, the floor, his water bowl, the rungs of the fan, the couch, the top of the porch

It looked like a murder scene 

Call Keith Morrison...Dateline

I was initially happy thinking it would dry up
It leaks 

I applied my remedy hydrogen peroxide 
It helped 
Sealed and cleaned
Liam sleeping
I was so emboldened I squirted more on several times a day

It dyed Liam’s face red
He is truly the one quarter Irish ☘️ setter now
I had forgotten I had used hydrogen peroxide as a teenager on my hair to get blonde highlights before going to Rockaway beach with my bestie Joanie 
It's a bleach
Paul says Liam looks like a bear 🐻 
Liam rubs against the surfaces and me for balance and also because the wound
itches and annoys him
I have had blood on my leg and thought I had cut myself 
Current Situation
and then reopening and then healing

  Oh and before this hydrogen peroxide bleach on his face, one new development. Liam no longer seems to be a little black dog. Now a bit chestnut color in spots. His Irish setter DNA is blooming. Aging has its unexpected happy surprises. In the sun he shines a tad red.


By the way. I use Blur App to obscure Liam's left side of face lipomas.


I have updated, expanded and polished my cleaning knowledge and methods of application...included new products, wipes, mops,

brooms/dust pans, old toothbrushes, spatulas, towels, small knives, Brillo and wee wee pads

I owe my new cleaning prowess to Liam and his Home Hospice physical eliminations   

Thank You Liam for upgrading my skills


and I have lost control of my fonts

they enlarge and decrease on their own

go from one style to another

a sign of aging I suppose, mine

Liam does not type

and we made it

 Thank You for reading

 scroll up to see prior stories if you need refreshers or are new to the blog

Woof, Woof

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Dylan's Dream

this blog story is about

Dylan Nikol

my grandnephew age 2

who has a rare chromosome disorder

shown here with his dog, Doug the Pug

and here he tells you about it

Hi everyone, I wanted to introduce myself
My name is Dylan Nikol and I am 2.5 years old. 
I have a rare chromosome disorder called chromosome 6p duplication (or partial trisomy 6). Essentially instead of having 2 copies of chromosome 6, I have about 2.5 copies. 
There’s only about 50 reported cases of this, and probably only a handful of my exact duplication. Since it’s so rare, there’s very little out there in the literature, and a lot is unknown. 

This nonprofit was started on my behalf, to help raise awareness of and support research for Rare Chromosome and Gene Disorders, including 6p duplications. 
Thank you so much for your support!  

The colors for Rare Chromosome Disorders are yellow and blue 
and Awareness Day is June 13

Dylan's first fundraiser is June 22, 2024

I was asked by my niece, Tara Nikol, Dylan's mom,  if  I would be interested in seeking fundraiser donations from places like my fave restaurant Crabtree's


I can do that

Tara and Jason sent flyers

I used the first batch

I asked for more

used the second group

then I started printing my own

I wrote a blurb

I have been tasked with the honor of requesting donations in the form of gift cards or gift baskets or merchandise for a fundraiser raffle to be held on June 22, for my grandnephew, Dylan Nikol, age 2, who suffers from a rare chromosome disorder. I have flyers with the donation information, Dylan’s story and the mission of our team and an accompanying introductory letter verifying I am a designated volunteer for the organization. Thank you in advance for any help you are able to give.

 I learned on the job

 who to approach

ways to connect

 in person




website inquiry

what pitch works


I have them after this...but have decided not to list the places

the generosity and parsimony I encountered were eye opening

and ended up with 33 offerings from people, business and corporations and other fundraisers

met some incredible people

caused two people to cry 

and others to hide

 people sent me to other people 

and to known fundraiser friendly websites 

I found out

 There are companies and organizations dedicated to helping with fundraisers and involvement in community causes: Trader Joe's, Costco. NY Jets, NY Giants, Long Island Ducks, Hicks, dohertyinc.com, Starbucks, and more

It was an astonishing opportunity for me and I thank Tara and Jason Nikol and Jenny Nikol for inviting me in

 and for my family and friends who participated with donations, merch and suggestions

If you are reading and hearing about Dylan for the first time please consider joining in with a contribution, donation, gift card, merchandise, time, tickets, gift basket 

the flyer above gives all sorts of ways to help

 and if you are one of the places who promised and have yet to deliver

not too late


and to those I left self addressed stamped envelopes 

use them and stick in a gift card 

you owe me a stamp if you don't



Liam helped by providing support from home

as did Dylan's, Doug the Pug

woof woof

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Stayin' Alive


Liam attains age 16 and 3/4 May 1, 2024 
"Whether you're a brother or whether you're a motherYou're stayin' alive, stayin' aliveFeel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'And we're stayin' alive, stayin' aliveAh, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' aliveAh, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive
 Oh, when you walk..."
Bee Gees

and it goes on

Jimmy Carter is doing it

so will Liam


getting the pills in

these are keeping him okay

and preventing deterioration


an updated food pill delivery method

 butter chucks 

the gabapetin on the left two

denamarin the blue

land O Lakes Butter

I insert the pills when he is sleeping


a reminder from prior blog

we are

grateful my first dog has had such a long life

his tiny nodule of thyroid cancer is stable

his weak legs strengthened by 

Dasuquin  chews

for joint and muscle weakness

Denamarin tablets 

to lower high liver values

Gabapentin gels

control high blood pressure and anxiety

see his pills in photo
I have learned that gabapentin may be used by humans too. this is great news.  and I dont need butter to take it. 




Liam walks


               stands on 4 legs

not all the time but at least half 


celebrates St Patrick's Day

 eats ice cream
we accept all that happens in home hospice 
Liam now has a bit of trouble seeing.  He hugs the walls as he walks and steps in his kibble.  
I hand feed him whatever we are eating. He has hamburger, steak, chicken, pork loin and pork chops.
I bring his water to him if his legs are too weak
If I hear a bong I know he has hit his head and I go looking for him

see photo illustration and text captions


scroll up for prior editions 

if you are a new reader or need a refresher

woof woof


Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Home Hospice

we are in home hospice 

with our first born 

our dog Liam

also my first dog

Poop logs and pee puddles in the house


dragging one leg

temp loss of use of legs

I mop up the pee with wee wee pads...no, he does not use them to do his pee, we use them to soak it up

the instructions should add that as a use

on top, instead of underneath

I pick up the poop in our usual doggie waste bags

easier than searching the yard

one stop shopping for all Liam's elimination output

and I never berate

or get impatient 

I say "Liam, good output today" 

I sense he mourns the loss of his ability to negotiate the side porch stairs to do his business

projecting? maybe

but he does look longingly at the side door exit

then turns to  find his new indoor bathrooms

the following collage shows

the look of home hospice relaxation

thinking of the verb tenses

lie, lay lain

all present here in these photos

lots of prone positions for our senior boy

Hospice care focuses on the care, comfort, and quality of life of a person with a serious illness who is approaching the end of life. At some point, it may not be possible to cure a serious illness, or a patient may choose not to undergo certain treatments

substitute dog for person



I hold him

talk to him

lift him up

get his pills in 

bring his food bowls and water bowls to him if his legs are not working

hand feed him if he cannot get his snout in the bowls 

He has more good days than bad

eats a lot

drinks lots of water

                                                                      asks for affection

watches football

pays attention to us

is not in pain

 if any of those activities

change will re-evaluate

when we adopted Liam on January 1, 2008

People told me his death would be devastating

I have been preparing for it since that day


grateful my first dog has had such a long life

his tiny nodule of thyroid cancer is stable

his weak legs strengthened by 

Dasuquin  chews

for joint and muscle weakness

Denamarin tablets 

to lower high liver values

Gabapentin gels

control high blood pressure and anxiety

see his pills in photo

getting the pills in him has provided me with unique challenges; every day he tricks me by spitting out the pills once I think they are in...I then try a new food

 I then trick him back-keeps me and kept my creativity juices at solutions evolving

so far examples of what we have tried

peanut butter, cream cheese, croissants, American cheese (yellow) 

currently working is Starbucks's iced lemon cake, cut in tiny wedges...pills inserted into the moist fluffy cake bits, hand fed

 Liam takes fewer pills than his parents

has better quality sleep than his mommy

is peripatetic in his sleeping places 

thereby showing us he is alive whenever we look for him

and he still sits up occasionally with pride

Happy Half Birthday Liam

sixteen and a half

February 1, 2024

BTW all prior blog stories can be viewed and read by scrolling down

woof, woof

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Novid No More


It got me


 I am a Novid No More

I tested Positive 12/26/23
December 17-December 22th

Physical Therapy 3times, eye doctor, PPC for Blood work, Orthopedist, Hair Salon, Crabtree's
all okay
no issues
happy and healthy and productive events
December 23
Liam knocks down the tree
if you look closely you can spot his little head in the back upper right first frame


Dr Fauci injured
December 24
Crabtrees lunch 
happy celebration
December 25
watched the Chiefs lose
felt a sort of fever and nausea
attributed it to Patrick and Kelce disappointing me

December 26
went to Urgent Care...had not been sick since 2019, assumed this was it
tested positive, was prescribed Paxlovid
never heard of it
was not asked  about any meds I was taking nor advised on any side effects

December 27-30
horribly sick
throwing up
body aches
muscle pain
       no appetite

December 31-January 1
was able to drink wine and eat

January 2
massive basement ankle deep flood
Lam falls down a flight of stairs looking for Daddy Paul and the plumber
he lives

 after I informed my friends and family about Pax I learned an impressive number had refused to take it because of the side effects. I stopped after 3 doses
I use the Israeli drug  
saved me up to now
will continue to use.
see COVID collage timeline

January 5th
I return to PT
I am going for rotater cuff and bicep rehah 
right arm after my October 3, 2023 surgery
scroll down to see prior blog posts about it for refresher if needed or wanted
I am so excited I wear makeup and lay out my outfit the night before

January 6th
Liam and Me 

woof, woof

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Liam and I move on

Liam currently 16 and almost 4 months

will Liam make it to the Holiday card?

yes he did

because I ordered in October to take advantage of a kind of low key little advertised Snapfish offer (which of course was extended to the world after I early ordered}

and he will be featured as he has been since his adoption in 2008

I was thinking of getting in on it too

but it is his domain

so only Liam is pictured on the card


The two of us have traversed this year injured  and aging

current Liam collage

my injuries outlined in last blog post with prior links included as well for more fleshing out


or simply scroll down to prior blog

no accessing link necessary

my apparatus for wrist and the right bicep shoulder surgery


 if you are not a reader who reads the blog (oxymoronic statement)

here is a summary

1-I fell with Liam in January 2023

2-In February exacerbated it by 
exercise classes
I truly believed movement was the solution 
3-And then in March I completed the job
 by carrying and collecting rocks/coral  on the beach in Fl for 4 hours
4-cracked left wrist in two places 
while favoring right arm 
healing sessions

interspersed by three PT (physical therapy) periods

April- May 2023 for right bicep/right shoulder

then August-September for left wrist 

then-October ongoing for right bicep/shoulder post surgery

a collage of my breaks and tears

and more recovery tools out at Crabtree"s

exercise ball and wine

and Liam's health
has anxiety
,high blood pressure
 small cancerous dormant node on his thyroid
 and elevated liver enzymes
 the requisite doxie back leg weakness.
all regulated by minor meds.
see grouping below
I have been told a few are helpful for ppl too.

Liam's recovery aids

his sessions
September -ongoing

and this is how we end the year

I am on the fixing journey with long recovery program ahead

Liam too

as fixed as a 16 year old doggo can be


the following is Liam's injury collage from April  2021 added it to keep me company on the blog today

the refresher story link


or scroll down til it shows 

we have both been broken and repaired

archival photos for Liam

above LIAM TPLO surgery (like human ACL) 

If all this seems a bit all over the place, well you got it...that's what I want to convey...this year has been that way. Unexpected obstacles, sudden changes in direction, revamping of daily routines and lifestyle.
Learning new skills
Accepting limitations 
and so it goes


 woof, woof