Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Home Hospice

we are in home hospice 

with our first born 

our dog Liam

also my first dog

Poop logs and pee puddles in the house


dragging one leg

temp loss of use of legs

I mop up the pee with wee wee, he does not use them to do his pee, we use them to soak it up

the instructions should add that as a use

on top, instead of underneath

I pick up the poop in our usual doggie waste bags

easier than searching the yard

one stop shopping for all Liam's elimination output

and I never berate

or get impatient 

I say "Liam, good output today" 

I sense he mourns the loss of his ability to negotiate the side porch stairs to do his business

projecting? maybe

but he does look longingly at the side door exit

then turns to  find his new indoor bathrooms

the following collage shows

the look of home hospice relaxation

thinking of the verb tenses

lie, lay lain

all present here in these photos

lots of prone positions for our senior boy

Hospice care focuses on the care, comfort, and quality of life of a person with a serious illness who is approaching the end of life. At some point, it may not be possible to cure a serious illness, or a patient may choose not to undergo certain treatments

substitute dog for person



I hold him

talk to him

lift him up

get his pills in 

bring his food bowls and water bowls to him if his legs are not working

hand feed him if he cannot get his snout in the bowls 

He has more good days than bad

eats a lot

drinks lots of water

                                                                      asks for affection

watches football

pays attention to us

is not in pain

 if any of those activities

change will re-evaluate

when we adopted Liam on January 1, 2008

People told me his death would be devastating

I have been preparing for it since that day


grateful my first dog has had such a long life

his tiny nodule of thyroid cancer is stable

his weak legs strengthened by 

Dasuquin  chews

for joint and muscle weakness

Denamarin tablets 

to lower high liver values

Gabapentin gels

control high blood pressure and anxiety

see his pills in photo

getting the pills in him has provided me with unique challenges; every day he tricks me by spitting out the pills once I think they are in...I then try a new food

 I then trick him back-keeps me and kept my creativity juices at solutions evolving

so far examples of what we have tried

peanut butter, cream cheese, croissants, American cheese (yellow) 

currently working is Starbucks's iced lemon cake, cut in tiny wedges...pills inserted into the moist fluffy cake bits, hand fed

 Liam takes fewer pills than his parents

has better quality sleep than his mommy

is peripatetic in his sleeping places 

thereby showing us he is alive whenever we look for him

and he still sits up occasionally with pride

Happy Half Birthday Liam

sixteen and a half

February 1, 2024

BTW all prior blog stories can be viewed and read by scrolling down

woof, woof


  1. Aw Carol, you are such a special mom. All the love he has given you, you are giving back to him. I’m sure he appreciates it. Love to you and Liam

    1. thank you so much Paulette. I truly appreciate you writing. and Liam does too. Carol

  2. Carol this brings back so many memories of mia’s last year in 2015. Her dementia, her joint pain, her sleepless nights and me sleeping on the couch next to her for 2 years. But I would do it all again because she was my best friend when I had cancer. And all the years that followed. She seemed to be her best when we gave her coconut oil with some herbs. She would go to the pantry where her treats and oil were and tapped the door with her nose. Then she loved to cuddle and listen to James Taylor for hours. Thanks for sharing all these stories about liam. 💕

    1. and thank you for sharing your story with me. I will tell Liam. I find caring for him rewarding and comforting... knowing you went through this while having cancer at the same time is inspiring... appreciate taking time to comment...glad you made it through...

  3. This I'm sure is so hard, but I can see you're handling it with love and devotion. Our furbabies definitely become part of the family, don't they? So sorry to hear about this, and I'm sending you and Liam healing vibes and peace. <3

    1. thank you so much Lisa...I feel the healing vibes and peace coming through...Carol

  4. Dear Carol - my deepest sympathy as Liam slips down that slope at the end of life. He's been a wonderful pet and writing inspiration for you; it has been my pleasure to read about him for about 16 years. Please give him a snuggle for me and Marilyn. You've made his doggy life a coast-to-coast phenomenon, and I thank you for all your dedication to the blog and to Liam. He sure is a lucky dog to have you. Love - Kieran

    1. and so happy you both met him...I have been fortunate to have a little mixed breed rescue for as long as I have. My first dog. I knew nothing. But Liam taught me how to parent. Thank you and Marilyn for your loyal readership all these years. Liam thanks you too. Carol
