Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Fine Wine Art

I love wine
I love art
I love social media
these interests dovetailed to bring me to Leanne
and then follow her
on Twitter
on IG
on FB
Leanne paints pictures of wine for clients
and will put you in it with your wine. Or only your wine.
or several wines with women
her link

I am on the left toasting my first
Leanne Wine Art Painting

And Liam enjoying sitting beneath it
Liam permitted me to have my photo first this one time. Usually his photo opens the LiamLicks blog story. A birthday allowance for his Mom.
Continue below his photo for the story

here is Leanne's Twitter page
there you can see all her URLs
and I might say we are now friends...and that she and I retweet each other. In the Social media world this is a sign of support and mutual respect. I have friends from Social Media. It is possible

I bought my first LeanneLaineWineArt for my birthday.
it is entitled Rich Summer Plum
and its story follows

and here it is on our frame...that is our cranberry wall color


Liam had been advocating for a wine art painting. One of his fave relaxing places is the love seat. The unadorned wall above had a haunting emptiness. Here is Liam sitting and wishing for a wine art painting.

and now we have it filled.
see below

Paul and Liam switch seats at times. Liam likes looking from a different vantage point.

the family loves it
Thank You Leanne
Woof, Woof