Thursday, June 2, 2011

Lay Liam Lay

We have a sunny weekend.  And it is the start of summer. Memorial Day weekend. Does not matter that the official summer start date is in June. I know it started today, Saturday, May 28, 2011,  because Leaping Liam did his first rollover of 2011.  Let me explain the title of this week's story (with a nod of course to Bob Dylan) common dog commands are sit, stay, come, leave it.  Somehow Liam added "lay" and he does not even need to be told to do so.  He goes into the "lay" position so quickly it is unstoppable. And from the "lay" position erupts the "rollover."  And let's leave the grammar alone-since it is really "Lie Liam Lie" but then we could not pay homage to Dylan.
Liam would not do the rollover unless he deemed it a worthy warm wooferful day.  I always know when he is ready.  I have the camera poised and clicking.  He strolls out cautiously, He finds a hot spot.  Then circles the spot. Eases down front legs first then the back, settling into position.   Okay.  Maybe a turn might do. Then back again. Okay. Here we go. Flip one side to the right
rest. Again Ahh!

I have been asked the Holiday weekend question often the last few days
what are your plans?
Are you going away?
I know the suggested ones are bbqs, beach, boating, the Jones Beach Air show, parades, pool.   But no,  This weekend,
the health club

hanging with Liam outside
messaging on all my devices. 
and putting out American flags
watching President Obama at Arlington honoring the unknownsnot too far from where my parents are in the Arlington Columbarium
throw in some red wine
and the weekend is good.
  Liam likes to keep it simple
 And sometimes that is fine and it is this year. 
My mother used to say "Does Liam ever stand up?"  Yes, got a standing one. Here's for you Mom.  woof, woof

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